Section 3 – Form No 21 – SWMS High Risk Construction – Mobile Plant
This example has been provided by the Master Plumbers Association (NSW) (“MPA”) as part of its function to provide education, assistance and advice (but not legal or professional service advice) to its members in the plumbing industry. MPA does not provide this information or this example for any other purpose. While all care has been taken in preparing this information and the example, MPA does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of any party using or relying on it. You are not entitled to rely upon this information / example as a basis for any action that may expose you to a legal liability, injury, loss or damage. If you elect to use this example it is up to you to obtain your own legal advice about it, and ensure that it is completed and executed correctly and to ensure that it accurately sets out the arrangements between the employer and employee.