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MPA NSW Welcomes Premier Chris Minns’ Decision To Reject A Blanket Gas Ban

The Master Plumbers Association NSW (MPA NSW) applauds Premier Chris Minns for his refusal to adopt a blanket ban on gas for all new homes in New South Wales (NSW). This stands against the misguided policies of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the recent Victorian government announcement and is a crucial step towards ensuring a balanced and sensible approach to energy use in our state.

The MPA NSW firmly believes that any decision concerning energy sources must be based on a thorough analysis of its environmental impact, safety, cost-effectiveness, energy needs and consumer choice. Adopting a blanket ban would have unfairly limited these options for homeowners and compromised their ability to make informed decisions regarding their domestic energy consumption.

Gas remains one of the most reliable and affordable energy sources available, offering numerous benefits to households across NSW. Its versatility, reliability, high-energy efficiency, and lower greenhouse gas emissions make it an indispensable component of a diverse energy mix. By allowing gas connections for new homes, the Premier has demonstrated a sound understanding of the importance of maintaining choice and affordability for NSW residents.

MPA NSW CEO Nathaniel Smith “commends Premier Chris Minns for his commitment to evidence-based decision-making, taking into account the unique needs and preferences of our state.” “As an industry association representing the interests of Plumbing Contractors and gasfitters, we stand ready to collaborate with the government to ensure the sustainable growth and wellbeing of NSW communities.” Mr Smith said

“We look forward to engaging in constructive discussions with Premier Minns and relevant stakeholders to develop policies that promote energy efficiency, environmental stewardship, and economic prosperity while safeguarding consumer choice in our energy future.”

Please get in touch with Nathaniel Smith on 0410 696 007 for further comment.

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